Hello! I’m Thana or Lena, I’m a lover of any form of the arts and additionally an enthusiast of combat arts, historical Asian artwork and birds.
CJMT: First: please tell us a bit about yourself.
Thana: Hello! I’m Thana, I’m a bird loving illustrator with an interest for all things art related. I additionally have a specialty in animation, martial arts, Asian history and music.
CJMT: What are your primary influences as an artist?
Thana: Some of my biggest bursts of motivation come from good music, and old East Asian traditional artworks. Observing stories I’ve read, things I’ve experienced, and just living my life because I think that nature and life are the biggest motivators.
CMJT: What are you working on now?
Thana: Currently, I am working on portfolio pieces for a passion project of mine, and additionally updating my works for studio applications. Additionally, I am working on writing some stories of my own. Everyday, I am still learning, and I try to be as up to date as possible with my work.
CMJT: When you look over your body of work, what do you think is your overall “grand vision” or “burning question” ?
Thana: Growing up, I have always held the philosophy of “not living forever, but creating something that does.” I think making a piece of media people will really enjoy and be inspired by is something dear to me, as an artist I’d love to be known for writing and producing something I am truly passionate about and connecting others with my works, and for that I always need to find and ask myself everyday what my best work can be and how I will achieve it.
CMJT: What have you found most challenging in creating art and balancing a career? family? other commitments?
Thana: I think the most challenging thing is first getting into art, slowly finding yourself throughout your journey and the process of continuing that journey is something special. When I first started art, I begun tracing pictures and soon started coming up with my own ideas, and then wanting to visualize them all. My home life and family is a rough situation still, but seeing past this to persevere and find inspiration combined with the joy of seeing beauty in life is what I think keeps me going.
CMJT: What would you like to share about your individual or collaborative writing/art projects?
Thana: I usually don’t put heavy thought into my illustrative pieces and for good reason; sometimes I feel like too much thought can make a piece feel too forcefully made and will make you enjoy less of the process. But, with collaborative minds, and patience spent on a piece I feel that works can be a lot more meaningful
CMJT: What’s next for you?
Thana: Wherever my art takes me!
CMJT: Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers about?
Thana: I hope the experience is memorable for everyone! There are a bunch of talented artists and writers, and an amazing team too. Everyone has worked hard to make this real, so thank you for reading!