Walking Another Path
Autumn 2024.
Volume 12 Number 2.
ISSN 2333-0627
“They knew their voices broke a silence of a thousand million years, the silence of wind and leaves and wind, blowing and ceasing and blowing again.” UK LeGuin, 1972, “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” in The Wind’s Twelve Quarters.
Cover Art by Lauren Raine, all rights reserved.
A note from your Editors:
Dear Readers, Coreopsis Journal has never shied away from difficult subjects, and never will. As a scholarly research journal and, as such, this issue contains sensitive, adult subject material including discussion of gender identity, aging, death, and the hard questions of ethics and morality that Ms. LeGuin’s original story evokes. Including that of endangered children. We all read “Omelas” and want to stop the treatment of the child. We want to say: “Walk away!” and that is what this issue is about, asking those hard questions about the world we live in and what we, as a society, are prepared to sacrifice, by staying or walking away. We welcome your letters and feedback. Please send letters to the editor at: coreopsisjournalofmyththeatre@gmail.com and include a note if you do not want your letter published in the Spring 2025 issue. We will try to respond in a timely manner. Thank you, the Editors.
Lezlie Kinyon
Why Do We Keep Returning to the Omelas?
Priya Sridhar
To Annihilate Utopia – a reply
Nathaniel Hellerstein
(Re)imagining Gender Through Le Guin and Russ
Rory W. Collins
An Expressive Body: The Beauty of Dancing in Elder Life
Martina Young
The Quest for Baba Yaga: When Folktales Meet Goddesses and the Ancients
Kris Spisak
Review of Sharon Knight’s “Undertow”
by Helena Domenic., M.A., M.F.A., Kutztown University
Tarot and Lenormand
Tarot Reviews by Helena Domenic, Kutztown University, M.A., M.F.A
Lenormand Review by Seren Derryth Riddle
Reference: Coreopsis Journal of Myth and Theatre Walking Away, Autumn 2024. Volume 12 Number 2. Editor, Lezlie A. Kinyon, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA. ISSN 2333-0627 Society for Ritual Arts www.coreopsis.org
Artists in this issue are: Lauren Raine, Denita Benyshek, Helena Domenic, Sonali Roy, Carly J.J. Turner all rights reserved, used by permission.
Editors this issue are: Lezlie Kinyon, Priya Sridhar, Peggy Wheeler, and Sean Sanford
Thank you to everyone who made this issue of Coreopsis Journal possible.
Web design by Kristen Skold
For copyright and reprint information, please contact Rev. Denise Dumars, MA, Author Liaison at eerieaerie@hotmail.com
Please send letters to the editor at: coreopsisjournalofmyththeatre@gmail.com and include a note if you do not want your letter published in the Spring 2025 issue.