The Seven Enchanted Buffalo Sisters
My Dear Sisters in Coreopsis, this is the Legend of You.
As I was searching for your Legend I stepped into a sacred, miraculous cave; your soul-world.
My eyes were pacing on the wall, then they harbored on a drawing of a figure of a man, maybe a shaman, dreaming. Some spiritual force was elevating him from the ground by his shoulders and just beside his dreaming face, on the tip of a magic wand, there was a little bird, unmistakably his spirit, spreading its wings toward the sky. I followed his adventure as if I was unfolding a riddle. I dreamed his dream along the wall.
I was in the heaven of animals. I saw a field with well-fed horses, bears, lions, and buffaloes everywhere. But I wished I could meet someone human. Among all the drawings on the wall, I saw one sculpture in a corner of the cave, a woman’s figure. She looked at me lovingly just like my Mother would. Her shape was fat and beautiful; Abundant Nature Herself. As I turned back toward the field, suddenly from the uncertain shady background, wondrous female buffalo-beauties became visible who until now had been hidden from my eyes. There were seven.
I stood in awe, silent.
Then one of them spoke to me:
“Dreaming shaman, if you are looking for your kin, we are your sisters. Once we were human, but we have returned to Nature. We are already home in this place. We are the wreath around our Mother Earth, because although we went into the world one by one, in returning to Nature we became one again. Together we shine, like petals of the flower of the Coreopsis. I am Lezlie. Do you see our eyes? They are hers”–and she nodded toward a younger female who obviously had no eyesight.–“With her third eye, our youngest sister, Eilis, is our torch bearer; with infallible leaps she guides us in the night. And another blessed one, Tatyanna, is grazing in the fields so far from us that we have never met her personally, but we know that she is by our side in spirit when we need her; she is always our heaven-sent helper. And do you see here my other sisters? Kitty, who taught us that what is an abandoned endless prairie to someone else is for us abundant nutrition, a peaceful home, and freedom. From Marylyn, we learned to love like she can love. When we embrace, we embrace with her touch. We live and die as poets. Like our dear Iria, we have faith that being different from others is a big gift. And our shaman-sister, Denita, teaches us that Love, Birth, and Death all bring us to the Light. Come to us, dreamer. Now you have heard about our legend, how we live in the endless field of this magical cave.”
Thus spoke Lezlie, the biggest of the beautiful buffaloes: “And now, dreamer, as you become the teller of our legend, our legend becomes yours too.”
And when I turned to leave the miraculous cave, I felt that the Buffalo Sister Spirits were coming with me.
Ivan Szendro, Coreopsis’ Artist in Residence for 2015 as a Mythologist and Healer Shaman with Hungarian origin, unfolds people’s personal and collective legends, (like The Legend of Coreopsis,) that heals in spirit and body, for more than 40 years. He is a regular lecturer at the Conferences of International Society for Shamanic Researches, next will be held in 2015 in October in Delphi: the ancient religious center of oracle telling in Greece.
Ivan for request tells your legend personally or through Skype, and gives shamanic journey presentation for smaller or larger audience with the title; “Journey to the Up-Conscious.” His award winning documentary the “Self-Made Shaman” can be ordered on DVD at his e-mail address: TheLegendofYou@yahoo.com