Staff Projects
Staff Projects
Check out Ritual Arts Radio: Hosted by Robyn Perry, Coreopsis’ Music Reporter-at Large:
Jane Galer, Peer Review Team. “Today I am very excited to share with you the launch of my new book. It’s a sweet little book for dog lovers about how to use simple shamanic tracking techniques with your own dog. No New Age experience required! $13. on Amazon or order from your local bookshop. Please let me know on Facebook if you try any of the techniques, I’d love to hear stories of how these techniques work on each of your pets. Thanks for supporting my writing projects in the past and today! with love, JG”
Luisah Teish, Board Member, is working on a series of workshops and events. Check out her schedule at:

Like many fossils from Mongolia, this Protoceratops is fully articulated and preserved by sandstone in three dimensions, making it a highly sought-after specimen. Also, like many fossils from Mongolia, it was exported from Mongolia illegally for sale to a private collector in the United States. Credit: Bolortsetseg Minjin.
Thea Boodhoo, Board Member, Had an article published in Earth Magazine: “Saving Mongolia’s dinosaurs and inspiring the next generation of paleontologists” She is, once again “chasing dinosaurs” in Mongolia for the month of March. The Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs is building a museum to benefit the people of Mongolia. Show your support here: Check out Thea’s progress at: .
Thea Kinyon Boodhoo Branding Advisor, Robyn Perry Ritual Arts Radio Host, and Drs. Lezlie Kinyon, Editor at Coreopsis (SF CA) and Rodney Shackelford (Shreveport, LA), Peer Review, attended the March for Science April 22 in their respective cities and invites one and all to join in. More information:

The Planets Movie @ThePlanetsMovie Our movie trailer was selected for Bellingham Film Annual Showcase film festival! #gustavholst
David Arv Bragi, Copywriter, is co-producing an animated feature film based on Gustav Holst’s orchestral fantasy suite, The Planets. For more information, follow on Twitter: