Quill, Pen, & Brush Writers and Artists Retreat
Yachats, Oregon, November 10-15, 2024
For Artists, Poets, Storymakers, and Songwriters in Mythopoeia and Fabulism
To be held at the Historic Drift Inn and Hosted by the editors of Roses & Wildflowers Magazine
Join us for magical creativity and community on the beautiful Oregon Coast in the seaside village of Yachats (pronounced Ya-hots – “when you’re hots ya hots”).
The Planning for 2024 has begun!
Shelly Kay will coordinate the planning group for this year. Join us on Discord for networking and chatting about your goals for this year: https://discord.gg/TJ5Bwbcc
Registration and information for 2024 : https://societyforritualarts.com/mercantile/product/fabulist-writers-artists-retreat/

Hexenfest https://www.hexenfest.net/
OCTOBER 10TH – 13TH, 2024

California Revels
California Revels is excited to produce a MidWinter Revels in 2024. We need your help now to realize this. Here’s why…
Early February marks the first cross-quarter day of the year, Imbolc, in Celtic tradition. We remember it as Groundhog Day. Farmers looked at the weather and estimated how many laborers they would need and when to hire them for their crops. This was of obvious importance to them (and to the laborers) and makes just as much sense today. Asking for your help in the summer or in the autumn is too late. We must front-load our asking so we can plan intelligently and prudently for our MidWinter show as it develops through the year. Revels is discovering and sharing stories as old as the seasons, told differently by many cultures but saying the same thing: “The old year will end, and the new year will come, and with it, hope and light will be born anew”.
Revels has a close association with the turning of the seasons and our relationship to nature. Its celebrations are rooted in an agricultural society, where foretelling the coming year was crucial to their livelihood and their lives. Please help plant the seedling of a Revels now that we will cultivate during 2024. The harvest will be amazing.
Yours in Revelry, Michael F. Schmid, President, California Revels Board https://www.californiarevels.org/donate.html

Yachats Celtic Music Festival
The date is set for November 8-10, 2024. Tickets will go on sale in June. If you want to be among the first to know when they are available please sign up for our newsletter here on this website.

Mythcon 53
Fantasies of the Middle Lands
Minneapolis, Minnesota
August 2-5, 2024
The Mythopoeic Society’s primary annual conference, popularly called “Mythcon,” is usually held in late July or early August. Each Mythcon is constructed around a theme related to Inklings studies and/or fantastic and mythic literature (although papers on all subjects are welcome), and each features an author and a scholar guest of honor. Papers, panel discussions, readings, entertainment, an art show, a dealers’ room, and other activities fill the four-day event.
Call for Papers: https://www.mythsoc.org/mythcon/mc53-CFP.htm
The idea of “middle-ness” can suggest stability—the center of an object is less likely to break than its edges. It can also suggest the opposite: something in a state of change can be said to be “in the middle”—neither one thing nor another. Mythcon 53, located in the middle of the continental U.S., welcomes papers exploring the concept of “middle-ness” as it is worked out in fantasy, science fiction, and related genres. Paper topics can cover a wide range of possibilities … more…

2024 Nebula Conference Dates Announced
Join us June 6-9th in Pasadena, California or online! Registration will open soon at events.sfwa.org.
After an exhaustive, cross-country search that involved dozens of hotel proposals, the 2024 Nebula Conference and Awards will be held both in Pasadena California at the Westin and online! The team has already begun preparations and we hope to once again welcome you no matter which way you decide to attend! Registration will be opening soon, but before it does, we’re looking for both programming ideas and for volunteer speakers!
Share Panel Topics and Other Programming Ideas The Nebulas programming team is collecting proposals for panels and other session ideas! We rely on submissions to this form to ensure our program is full of content which our community members will find valuable, relevant and interesting. Have more than one idea? Feel free to share multiple submissions! Complete this form to submit your ideas!
Volunteer to be a Speaker. The Nebula Conference depends on volunteer speakers to contribute their hard-won experience, professional expertise, and wisdom. If we add you to our list of potential speakers, you will receive a survey in the coming weeks to help match you to a speaking opportunity. Follow these instructions to be considered for our list of potential speakers!
Speakers do not need to be SFWA members, but all speakers must register to attend the conference. …more…

2024 Pagan Studies Conference
Theme: TBA
Katrina Messenger, Keynote; dress wedding, Keynote
We are exploring what the concepts of Paganism – in its BROADEST terms – are and how they can be useful in today’s world. Currently, we put on one conference a year.
Call for Papers:

Atlanta University Center Woodruff Library Archives
Research Center Travel Award 2024
Tiffany Atwater Lee
Location: GA, United States
The Atlanta University Center (AUC) Archives Research Center is offering a Research Travel Award to educators, graduate students, and independent researchers who would benefit from access to the rich and unique historical and cultural holdings in the Archives Research Center. Available for research are rare books and over 160 collections of manuscripts, photographs, and archival records documenting the African American and African diaspora experience in a broad range of subjects, including civil rights, race relations, education, literature, visual and performing arts, religion, politics, and social work.
Visit https://www.auctr.edu/archives/ to learn more about the Archives Research Center and browse the collections available for research. The AUC Research Travel Award grant application for 2023-2024 is currently open.
Applicants can request up to $1500.00 for travel. The application deadline is Monday, March 4, 2024. *Travel can occur June 2024-May 2025.*
Contact Information
Tiffany Atwater Lee
Head of Research Services, Archives Research Center
Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
Contact Email travelaward@auctr.edu

The Second “Pulp Fiction” Conference,
Bar-Ilan University, July 30-31, 2024 (on-line)
Anat Koplowitz-Breier
Call for Papers
Date July 30, 2024 – July 31, 2024
Location Israel
Subject Fields Cultural History / Studies, Humanities, Jewish History / Studies, Literature, Popular Culture Studies
We are pleased to invite paper submissions for the 2nd annual “Pulp Fiction” conference, which will take place virtually on July 30-31, 2024. This year’s conference will explore the relationship between society, culture, and popular literature, examining the ways in which literature reflects contextual realities. We want to look at how conflicts and dilemmas are represented and addressed in different works, with an emphasis on popular and commercial literature.
Who is the conference for?
Faculty members, graduate students, professionals, and anyone interested in literature, books, and popular literature in institutions of higher education, libraries, education systems, and publishing houses.
You are invited to submit proposals for individual presentations or pre-organized panels.
Conference Goals:
Presentation of research trends
Creating a platform for research collaboration and collegiality
Examining the connection between culture and literature
Challenging accepted conceptions of canonical literary standards
Conference Topics:
Literature and politics
Social conflicts
Representations of LGBTQ+ identities
Pulp fiction in the digital space
Popular poetry as a reflection of reality
Fan fiction: Texts based on canonical works
Popular literature in schools
Please send the presentation title, an abstract of up to 300 words, a short bio (no more than 200 words), and contact information in one WORD file. Contact information should include your name, research title, academic affiliation, email, and phone number. Each presentation will be 20 minutes long. Standard panels will have up to three speakers.
For panel proposals, include a list of speakers and bios.
Proposals should be emailed to:
Dr. Yaakov Mascetti (yaakov-akiva.mascetti@biu.ac.il )
Dr. Anat Koplowitz-Breier (anat.koplowitz-breier@biu.ac.il )
Dr. Lily Glasner (Lily.Glasner@biu.ac.il )
April 4, 2024 – Deadline for submission of proposals
May 15, 2024 – Notification of accepted papers/panels
July 30-31, 2024 – Conference
Contact Information
Dr. Yaakov Mascetti (yaakov-akiva.mascetti@biu.ac.il )
Dr. Anat Koplowitz-Breier (anat.koplowitz-breier@biu.ac.il )
Dr. Lily Glasner (Lily.Glasner@biu.ac.il )
Contact Email