Call for Spring 2025

Anarchy and Harmony

 Submissions  open July 10 for Spring 2025.  closes December 17 2024.

Mythopoeic Fiction, Poetry, and Art

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Submission guidelines and payment information:

Submit here using this FORM

Please state:  Spring 2025 “Anarchy and Harmony” on your manuscript under the word count. 

Manuscripts received before July 3, 2024, by any other method or not in Shunn Standard Manuscript Form will not be read. 

Poets: Because we received many submissions from poets in many different formats, we require that you use Shunn as your guide and, importantly! put your name and contact information on your submission. Place NO art in text. Use Shunn Manuscript Form.

Spring 2025: Anarchy and Harmony:

The band takes the stage at the No Name Bar at the Crossroads Between Worlds and Time.

Submissions Open July 3 2024 and closes on December 17 2024.

Reading for this issue begins September 2024. This is what we hope is a very fun challenge. We are exploring how societies can be arranged differently. Inspired equally by archeological evidence of very different civilizations in the ancient Celtic sites and the new evidence recently discovered in Amazonia of thriving civilizations ordered on a very different approach to living together than the one we know currently and by UK LeGuin’s work in “The Telling” and “The Dispossessed” which explore different approaches to non-hierarchical societies. We challenge writers and poets to explore Anarchy and Harmony with a playlist to be inspired by.

Writers & Poets Challenge: 

Choose a song from this playlist:  and tell us the story. 

Start your cover letter by telling us what song you chose, and put it under the word/line count on your submission. Don’t explain or tell us why, but let your story or poem stand on its own once you’ve named your song


  • Tell us about order and anarchy.
  • About inspiration and life’s small triumphs.
  • Take us to distant places beyond the edge of the world.
  • Tell us about mystery and dark places.
  • About descent and emergence.
  • About the magic of dissonance and harmony.
  • About inspiration and life’s small triumphs.
  • Take us to places beyond the edge of the world.
  • Tell us about the song that starlight sings.
  • Tell us about the places between worlds.
  • Tell us a tale that explores the truth of the heart – be it human or otherwise.


Note to Artists and Musicians: This call is open to you as well. We can work with jpegs and audio files. Please send a query to

Payment is $20 per story, 7,500 words hard limit, and $10 per poem, 40 line limit. We do not accept flash fiction at this time.

Art by Lauren Raine, all rights reserved. “Vision.”

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