Playlist: Music featured in this issue of Coreopsis Journal: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-6cKU2APMMhSiVd4AGGZkR48-fetFowC
Announcements from Society for Ritual Arts Members, Coreopsis Readers, and Everyone Else. Send a paragraph to: “Announcements” at coreopsisjournalofmyththeatre@gmail.com .
We publish twice per year, Spring and Fall.
No PDFs, RTF, or ODT files.
The books and music listed here are available for review. Please contact the editors for a copy to be sent to you.
Festivals, Conferences, Gatherings, and Performances

OCTOBER 27TH – 30TH, 2022

2022 Yachats Celtic Music Festival
Nov 11, 12, & 13th
Céad míle fáilte to everyone. The Yachats Celtic Music Festival is back!

2022 The California Christmas Revels
Main Office
2501 Harrison Street Suite #U8
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 452-9334
New Music Releases

Margaret Davis The Royal Dream
Released: July 4, 2022
Beautiful and relaxing solo Celtic harp music, including traditional music of the British Isles plus Renaissance, and Medieval selections.
Listen and purchase: https://flowinglass.com/the-royal-dream

Heilung Drif
Released: 19 August 2022
Listen: https://youtu.be/hXkB92fjCgo?t=5
Purchase: https://orcd.co/heilung-drif

The Hu: Rumble of Thunder
Released September 2022
Listen and purchase: https://www.thehuofficial.com/music

Eivör: Human Child / Mannabarn
Remastered Release: Wed Oct 12 to Fri Oct 21, 2022
Listen: https://youtu.be/ihtYztkkR8c
Ships from Iceland
Publications: Recent Papers
Dr. Rodney Shackleford, Society for Ritual Arts Academic Chair
Shackelford R, Ozluk E, Islam M, Hopper B, Meram A, Ghali G, Kevil GC. Hydrogen sulfide and DNA repair. Redox Biology 2021;38:101675.
Shackelford RE, Mohammad IZ, Meram AT, Kim D, Alotaibi F, Patel S, Ghali GE, Kevil CG. Molecular Functions of Hydrogen Sulfide in Cancer. Pathophysiology 2021;28:437-56.
Shackelford RE, Li Y, Ghali G, Kevil CG. Bad Smells and Broken DNA; A Tale of Sulfur-Nucleic Acid Cooperation. Antioxidants 2021;10:1820.
Kolluru GK, Shackelford RE, Shen X, Dominic P, Kevil CG. Sulfide regulation of cardiovascular function in health and disease. Nature Review Cardiology 2022, 20225;1-17.
Pan CF, Wei K, Ma ZJ, He YH, Huang JJ, Guo ZZ, Chen ZP, Barr MP, Shackelford RE, Xia Y, Wang J. CircP4HB regulates ferroptosis via SLC7A11-mediated glutathione synthesis in lung adenocarcinoma. Translational Lung Cancer Research 2022;11:366-380.
Islam MZ, Shen X, Pardue S, Pattillo CB, Kevil CK, Shackelford RE. The ataxia-telangiectasia mutated Gene Product Regulates the Cellular Acid-Labile Sulfide Fraction. DNA Repair, 2022;116:103344.
Rodney E. Shackelford, Ekin Ozluk, Jehan Abdulsatter, Terry C. Lairmore, Eric X. Wie. A Rare Case of Pure Primary Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Gallbladder. Case Reports in Oncological Medicine, 2022:6956046.
Subhradeep Chatterjee, Ph.D candidate (Social Media)
“‘Kubla Khan’ and Islamic Structures: Retracing Symbolism and Investigating Imagination.” New Horizons in English Studies, vol. 2019, no. 4, Aug. 2019, pp. 67–73., journals.umcs.pl/nh/article/view/8566. Published by the Department of English, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. ISSN: 2543-8980.
“Art and Disability: Introjections and Underlying Politics in Subcultures and Genres.” International Research Journal Persons with Special Needs and Rehabilitation Management , IV, 2018, pp. 53–64. Published by the Centre for Disability Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. ISSN: 2321-9254. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339602839_Art_and_Disability_Introjections_and_Underlying_Politics_in_Subcultures_and_Genres (Disability critique of Braille Graffiti and Edvard Munch’s The Scream.)

The Craft and Love of Wisdom: Essays for the 21st Century
Aidan A. Kelly
Hierophant Wordsmith Press
Forthcoming: September 2022
Note: All of our books are available on Amazon, but if you order them directly from me, I can give you a 20% discount. For details, please email me at kelly_aidan@yahoo.com

The Dream Gate
Understand Your Dreams, Empower Your Life
Dr. Janet Piedilato
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.
Forthcoming: December 6, 2022
For press inquiries, or to request a review copy, please contact Abby Holden at
(610) 593-1777 or abigail.h@schifferbooks.com.

Tolkien’s Modern Reading: Middle-earth Beyond the Middle Ages
Holly Ordway
January 2021
2022 Mythopoeic Scholarship Award for Inklings Studies

Iris Goddess of the Rainbow and Messenger of the Gods
Irisanya Moon
Moon Books, 2021

Creepy Cat’s Macabre Travels: Prowling Around Haunted Towers, Crumbling Castles, and Ghoulish Graveyards
Katherine Kerestman
Interview: https://mentorpl.org/creepycatstravels/
Winner of the 2022 Literary Titan Book Award
Fiction & Poetry
Several editors and other Society for ritual arts members are writers of poetry and fiction.
Here are some of the recent titles published by us.

Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology
Denise Dumars (Coreopsis’ Author Liaison)
Edited by Vince Lagiuno and Rena Mason
The Horror Writers Association anthology published by William Morrow/HarperCollins.
“The theme of the anthology is “the other,” and it is dedicated to anyone who has ever been made to feel like “the other” in any situation.” – Denise

Seasons Unceasing
Lezle Kinyon (Coreopsis Editor)
“The First Song of Janna Farwind”
Forthcoming: Seasons Unceasing Anthology
Worldsmyths Publishing. Edmonton, Canada
Indiegogo Campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/seasons-unceasing-a-spec-fic-anthology#/

Deathcap & Hemlock
Lezlie Kinyon
forthcoming: “Chicken Served With Scorn”
Deathcap and Hemlock Cookbook

Luna Station
Thea Boodhoo (Branding Advisor)
“The Hall of Being”
Luna Station Quarterly