I wanted to thank everyone at the SRA for honoring me with the gift of being their Artist in Residence for 2020-2021. Thank you for giving me space for contribution, and for giving me space to put my ritual art beside beautiful words, authors, and artists. Thank you, readers, for reading my words and perceiving my art. It truly means so much to my heart and spirit.
As I leave my position—and pass the flame on to the next artist— I find myself thinking of the implications of a digital journal and how far-reaching it can truly be. Though a physical publication has weight in the hands, a digital one is weightless. It can float and fly to any part of the Universe if given the chance. So can we.
This is the same with this next “Digital Frontier” that nearly all of us humans on the planet are being forced on to. All of this is weightless beside the physical devices that we hold and use. These black boxes hold space for energy, love, and movement.
Perhaps the technological tools we use now are not the best for the environment, but it is what we have at the moment. The best we can do for humanity is utilize the tools that we have the best ways we can.
If we are all to be swimming in this Internet and Metaverse, then we best learn to breathe magick under its depths.
Be weird and love forever,
Carly JJ Turner