From your Editor:
Welcome to a New Era!
By Lezlie A. Kinyon, Ph.D.
Suzy Engelman, Ph.D
Family Enmeshment and Bullying: CJ the Therapy Dog to the rescue
Lauren Raine, MFA
Equinox on Spirit Mountain
Valerie Frankl, Ph.D.
Nettles, Care, and Stillness: The Heroine’s Journey of Juliet Marillier’s Sevenwaters
Words of Wisdom
The Artistic Mystic: Interview with Helena Domenic, Artist in Residence for 2024
Book Review
On Trusting Science: Review of Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis
By Katherine Kerestman
Final Word
“In the Wild”
L. Ann Kinyon
Reference: Coreopsis Journal of Myth and Theatre Into the Wild Spring, 2024. Volume 12 Number 1. Editor, Lezlie A. Kinyon, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA. ISSN 2333-0627 Society for Ritual Arts www.coreopsis.org
Artists in this issue are: Lauren Raine, Denita Benyshek, Eleanor Hudson, L. Kinyon, Helena Domenic, Carly J.J. Turner all rights reserved, used by permission.
Editors are: Lezlie Kinyon, Priya Sridhar, Kyra Freestar, Jack Ruttan, and Peggy Wheeler
Thank you to everyone who made this issue of Coreopsis Journal possible.
Web design by Kristen Skold
For copyright and reprint information, please contact Rev. Denise Dumars, MA, Author Liaison at eerieaerie@hotmail.com