“In between the fire was burning and you could smell, you know from the bones and hair – and the fire was burning that was like over the whole camp. Was very big, very big.
And we had to dance. The Germans were standing there laughing and having fun – some of the Jews had instruments, they were playing the music, like a sub-distance from the Germans and it was an order that we had to dance.
And Chaim my husband asked me to dance and that was the first time I met Chaim.”
Saartje (Selma) Engel nee Wijnberg. Interview with USHMM.

A Personal Journey Through Darkness: Spring and Summer 2020
Lezlie Kinyon, PhD
Becoming Antiracist
Rebecca de Broglio, The Northwest School, Seattle, WA.
It Can Happen Here
Ron Boyer
Subconscious Processes to Overcome Iatrogenic Addiction: A Case Analysis
Brent Green, Ph.D., University of California at Davis Extension, Continuing and Professional Education
Music as Healer
Margaret Davis, B.A. Music, Magna cum Laude, certified Reiki Master
A Pedagogical Approach to Teaching Ritual in a Theatre Context: Making the Invisible Visible
Jerry C. Jaffe, PhD, Professor of Theatre, Lake Erie College
There and Back Again (Part I): Transformational Imagery in Peter Jackson’s Film Trilogy The Lord of the Rings
Ronald L. Boyer, Graduate Theological Union
Words of Wisdom
Carly JJ Turner
Artist in Residence, 2020/21
“These beautiful devices we use are made of sand, gold, and crystal. These devices— portals to other places—they are made from Mother Earth. Mother Earth may help us in ways we do not yet understand.”
Artist's Profile: Hasse Froberg interview
Steve Blomerth, Music Editor
Smoke Apocalypse
Denita Benyshek
Music Review: Clear Voices and Visions: A Review of Brocelïande’s The Starlit Jewel
Carly Jean Journeyhawk Turner
Music Review: The HU: The Gereg
Denise Dumars, M.A.
Music Review: Naked Kate by Nymphya
Angus McMahan
New Music
The Year of the Metal Rat: The Re-birth of the Earth
Marylyn Motherbear Scott
Out Through the Window
Steve Blomerth, music editor