Dancing through the Darkness

 Table of Contents


A Personal Journey Through Darkness: Spring and Summer 2020 Lezlie Kinyon, Ph.D., editor in chief
Now that we are all wearing them, my journey as one of the 13 artist-scholars, “The Maskateers”, of the Society for Ritual Arts as mask-maker. We are making a journey, collectively, through this darkness. Not just our town or country, but the entire world. We have a way to go, yet.

Becoming Antiracist Rebecca de Broglio, Youth Scholar
The Coreopsis Editors sent out a call to youth scholars to tell us their story during this time and we were answered with excellence by middle schooler, Rebecca de Broglio.

It Can Happen Here Ron Boyer regular contributor
“In short, the majority of Americans are gradually waking up to Trump’s
extraordinary incompetence and evil-mindedness on multiple levels. This offers some cautious hope for a new beginning starting this coming November,…”


Brent Green, Ph.D. Subconscious Processes to Overcome Iatrogenic Addiction: A Case Analysis

Margaret Davis, Music as Healer: The Mission of Healing Muses
co-winner with her husband Kristoph Klover of the Lost Chord Award 2017/18, Society for Ritual Arts
–Therapeutic harper discusses her work and the new CD.

Denita Benyshk, Phd. Our Time of Coronavirus and Black Lives Matter: Loss, Grief, Trauma, Resilience, and Healing Change

Jerry Jaffee, Ph.D. Teaching ritual as a pedagogical tool for Conscientization: making the invisible visible

Ron Boyer, There and Back Again (Part I): Transformational Imagery in Peter Jackson’s Film Trilogy Lord of the Rings

Words Of Wisdom

Carly JJ Turner – Artist in Residence, 2020/21
“These beautiful devices we use are made of sand, gold, and crystal. These devices— portals to other places—they are made from Mother Earth. Mother Earth may help us in ways we do not yet understand.”

Artist’s Profile

Interview: Hesse Froberg by Steve Blomerth
“The situation we’re living in right now is very different to what we’re used to, so it’s not that strange that our recording this time was different and felt different.”


Music by The Healing Muses

Music by Hesse Froberg

Art: Paula Camacho
Sneak preview of the art of Paula Camach who will be profiled with an interview in the spring issue


Music Reviews:
Broceliand’s “The Starlit Jewel” by Carly J.J. Turner
The Hu Band, “Gereg” by Denise Dumars
Nymphya, “Naked Kate” by Angus McMahan

Book Review:
“The Assembly of the Severed Head: A Novel of the Mabinogi” by Hugh Lupton by Demise Dumars, Ph.D.

New Releases

Books & Publications

Community Announcements

GoFundMe Wildfire Relief Fund

The Final Word

‘The Year of the Metal Rat’ by Marylyn Motherbear Scott

‘Out Through the Window’ Song by Steve Blomerth

Editors this issue: Lezlie Kinyon, Laurie Dietrich, Jan Radovic, Orly Salinas Mizrahi, Marylyn Motherbear Scott, Laura Paquette, Denita Benyshek, Ph.D.

Proofreading: Karen Packard Rhodes.

Art & Design: Carly JJ Turner, all rights reserved

Other art credits: Photos: Jerry Jaffee, used by permission, all rights reserved
Jack Rattan, used by permission, all rights reserved

Web Design: Kristen Skold

COPYRIGHT The name Coreopsis: A Journal of Myth and Theatre, the format, and the website are the sole property of Lezlie A. Kinyon, Ph.D., Founding Editor, Society for Ritual Arts, President Emerita. A twice-yearly (Spring and Autumn) publication of The Society for Ritual Arts and are copyrighted under the United States and international law. ISSN 2333-0627

Thank you to everyone who made this issue of Coreopsis Journal possible.

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Coreopsis Journal Autumn 2020
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