“These beautiful devices we use are made of sand, gold, and crystal. These devices— portals to other places—they are made from Mother Earth. Mother Earth may help us in ways we do not yet understand.”

As we all collectively dance through this darkness of humanity, remember to read.
Read articles. Read new books. Read old words. Remember the importance and sacredness of words spoken, written, and read. Words are like little balls of energy— tiny incantations that individually spark the imagination and fuel the fire of change. Keep reading, writing, and sharing. This is how humanity will learn now, and this is how humanity can shine the light through the dark night of our souls to the future.
The cover art colors for this issue were meant to evoke nighttime, and the blue light from technology— along with the light from flame— playing together.
The concept was inspired by this unique time for humans and technology. The art was first drawn with ink, and then created digitally to play with the concept of analogue versus digital.
In this dark time most people are staying in their homes, physically away from their loved ones, and physically away from the outside world as much as possible.
Many of us are looking to technology to keep us connected, to keep us working, to keep us from feeling stuck and cramped in such small boxes, to give us inspiration, to empower us to have conference call parties and to dance alone in our bedrooms.
These beautiful devices we use are made of sand, gold, and crystal. These devices— portals to other places—they are made from Mother Earth. Mother Earth may help us in ways we do not yet understand. Traditional medicine or ritual may be best done in nature and away from cell phones and laptops, but don’t question the Great Mystery. Medicine works through any and all mediums.
Be weird and love forever,