Spring 2025: Anarchy and Harmony
The band takes the stage at
the No Name Bar at the
Crossroads Between Worlds
and Time.
Published March 10, 2025
To contact the editors and to submit your work to Coreopsis Journal, please write to:
“submissions” [email protected] Our submission guidelines are here: http://societyforritualarts.com/coreopsis/submissions
Topics to consider:
- The magic and science of dissonance and harmony.
- Bards, Ashiqs, Troubadours, ancient, modern, legendary, and fictional: they have a place in our collective psyche. What is that place? Why is it important?
- Order and anarchy: Kropotkin, Paul Goodman, Emma Goldman
- What would our world look like with different choices?
- About inspiration and life’s small triumphs.
- Mutual aid, interdependent systems, what makes a world liveable?
- Take us to distant places beyond the edge of the world.
- What is the definition of utopia? Dystopia?
- Tell us about mystery and dark places.
- Dreams, inspiration, the journey to wholeness.
- About descent and emergence.
- Heroes, Heroines, Fools, Antiheroes, and Villians all make the journey of descent and emergence. Tell us about journeys and quests. Good, evil, and indifference.
Please prepare your paper for blind peer review. Artists and scholars are welcomed in the pages of Coreopsis Journal.
It is recommended that all writers and artists wishing to submit to Coreopsis Journal familiarize themselves with the guidelines before submission. Our submission guidelines are here: http://societyforritualarts.com/coreopsis/submissions.
Photography and Illustration https://societyforritualarts.com/coreopsis/arts-multimedia/
Coreopsis is a highly visual publication and we love to pack each issue with tons of big, bold images.
Please clearly label whether your paper or essay is submitted for peer review, as an editorial, or as a music or book review. Papers submitted for peer review from scholars must be in APA style and prepared for blind review following these guidelines: http://societyforritualarts.com/coreopsis/papers-for-peer-review-2/. This journal accepts papers from many disciplines and is welcoming of all faiths and philosophies. We publish 3-5 papers per issue that have been peer-reviewed according to academic standards. Final submissions should be 3,000 to 10,000 words. If you have a finished paper ready for submission, send it directly to [email protected].
Please note: Essays from artists do not have to be prepared for review. As Coreopsis Journal is a web-based publication, we can accommodate samples of both audio and video performances.
Visual art submission guidelines: http://societyforritualarts.com/coreopsis/arts-multimedia/
Coreopsis Journal is published twice yearly by The Society for Ritual Arts. Never for profit.
COPE Notice
This journal and her editors, referees, readers, staff, and Advisory Board members work, to the best of our abilities, under the guidelines for scholarly publications as set forth by The Committee for Publication Ethics Code of Conduct for Journal Editors. Download the PDF “Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing” to learn more: https://publicationethics.org/