Spring 2021 Vol 9 #1Query/Abstract deadline: November 2, 2020
Be prepared to submit your full paper or essay upon abstract acceptance
Paper, Essay or Editorial: November 27th, 2020
Announcements deadline: December 20th, 2020
“What shames us, what we most fear to tell, does not set us apart from others; it binds us together if only we can take the risk to speak it.” — Starhawk
Goddesses who emerge from the darkness of the underworld bringing light, hope, and the fertile green time of year are among the oldest mythos known. Harkening back to the stories of the Japanese Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu-ōmikami who rises each day and brings her light, Inanna from ancient Sumer, ascends from Kur, the land of the dead, as does Kore, the Maiden Goddess of Crete and Eleusis. The stories of the “ Golden Wheel” Olwen in the ancient Celtic world who emerged from a deep cave, and in her footsteps trillium grows.
Whoso beheld her was filled with her love. Four white trefoils sprung up wherever she trod. And therefore was she called Olwen. – The Mabinogion, Culhwch and Olwen and The Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain
The maidens of spring bring the possibility of love, they hold the potential of the coming year. As we approach 2021, we will explore this idea of emergence from darkness and the renewal of hope: the geo-political darknesses of extreme rhetoric, oppression, exploitation and war, the climate chaos that is seeing the destruction of communities and wild habitats through melting ice caps, increased storm intensity, and wildfire. Corporate and industrial toxins that are causing cancers and illness in places like “cancer alley” in Mississippi and Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the Balkans and Africa.
In this issue we ask the question, is there a place for hope and the rituals of hope in 2021 and beyond? Can we, as a specie, emerge from the darkness?
Scholars and artists in the sacred, folk, and ritual arts are invited to submit essays of 3000 to 10,000 words to the editors of describing ritual and sacred works addressing the mythic theme of emergence from the darkness and what Barack Obama so eloquently called “the audacity of hope”. With an emphasis on the performing arts, topics may range from street theatre to privately held events and devotions from all traditions and disciplines of the arts.
Some topics to consider are: Kropotkin’s theories of mutual aid. * The effects of the rise of the extreme right and the mythos of oppressive regimes. * How hope survives under the most challenging of circumstances. * False hopes and the ethics of pragmatism
Essays from artists do not have to be strictly prepared for review. As Coreopsis Journal is a web-based publication, we can accommodate samples of both audio and video performances. Visual art submission guidelines: http://societyforritualarts.com/coreopsis/arts-multimedia/
Papers submitted for peer review from scholars must be in APA style and prepared for blind review following these guidelines: http://societyforritualarts.com/coreopsis/papers-for-peer-review-2/. This journal accepts papers from many disciplines and is welcoming of all faiths and philosophies. We publish 3-5 papers per issue that have been peer-reviewed according to academic standards. Final submissions should be 3000 to 10,000 words. If you have a finished paper ready for submission, send it directly to coreopsisjournalofmyththeatre@gmail.com.
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This journal and her editors, referees, readers, staff and Advisory Board members work, to the best of our abilities, under the guidelines for scholarly publications as set forth by The Committee for Publication Ethics Code of Conduct for Journal Editors.
Download the PDF “Code of Conduct for Journal Editors” to learn more.
Published 2X per year by the Society for Ritual Arts. Never for profit.